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Hey y'all! A bit about Southern Zephyr and myself.

          UGH! In an effort to be transparent with my readers I made sure to include a recent picture of myself. If you have run from the room screaming I apologize! But that's not what this blog is about. It's not about whether I look perfect or act perfect or sing perfect nor is it about whether my readers are because we all are perfect, all the time and at everything we do at that moment in time when we are creating what we love. Or doing something we love. If you're a senior in high school with dreams of being a doctor it's ok to be a little stuck in chemistry because that is part of your journey on the way to college. It's ok if we don't yet have the answers. It's ok if you're still looking for the ideal hay provider, the best treatment for thrush or what weight blanket to use this winter. That knowledge will come. Unfortunately horses can't be rebooted to fix any problems and each horse is different so trial and error tend to be the best way to solve problems. And that is where I'm at in my horse journey.

         My name is Angel and my horse dreams started when I was very little like most girls (or boys I guess). I spent 2 years in hunter/jumper lessons as a kid and I still love that discipline. Over the years I rode every chance I got, asked for a horse for every gift giving holiday and never got one. I recently tipped the half century mark and almost as recently obtained my first horse. When I turned 48 the opportunity kind of plopped into my lap one day. That was the day the seed was planted for Southern Zephyr Stables. Fast forward to today as a recent horse owner and very recent farm owner and you can see how challenges still require trial and error experiments to find solutions to common problems I've lived most of my life without. I'm essentially still schooling; in my riding and in owning a farm. Southern Zephyr Stables is evolving as I do.

           Southern Zephyr Stables is located on an offramp of a highway running through the middle of Pensacola Florida.  Most of the properties on the road are horse properties; it's our own, little slice of horse heaven in an unusual location. My farm has the unique position of not being buffered from winds by trees on the median. Breezes come down from over the trees and across the highway to wave my trees about here on the farm while nothing moves directly next door. It's actually an unusual sight. I went through the various ways to name a farm and decided since I'm a born Southerner with strong beliefs in the magic of nature that we should be Southern Zephyr Stables. 

         While the stables are where I get in my workouts with, grooming, exercising, riding, cleaning, repairing and all around maintenance of the stables Southern Zephyr Designs is the artistic/creative extension. I find I forever have a crock ton of hay twine and because I try to be as environmentally friendly as possible I create items from the twine. I also paint and sketch so the combination of barn items and creativity is a lot of fun for me. I make bridle charms, collar charms, bookmarks, bracelets, key chains, cards and anything else that combines natural items with repurposed items from the barn. Nature and creativity are what cleanses my soul. I know, without question, if people permitted nature to influence them and creativity to flow out as a result we could solve the world's problems. 

        Thanks for stopping by Southern Zephyr Stables today!

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